Divorce | Custody | Child Support | Property Division


An Experienced, Dedicated Family Law Attorney

A Resilient & Compassionate Advocate for Families in Texas

Searching for a lawyer is a challenge and usually means you are contemplating making a change in your life. Make that change for the better. Sugar Land family law and divorce attorney Kara Egwuatu  focuses her skills as an attorney and the passion she has for her clients’ interests primarily in family and divorce law.

At The Law Office of Kara K. Egwuatu, PLLC, we understand that many of our clients are going through the most stressful and emotionally trying time of their lives. Sugar Land Divorce Attorney, Kara Egwuatu, is experienced and compassionate while helping clients through the process towards a brighter future.

Whether you are dealing with a contentious divorce or negotiating a child custody agreement, we can help you through this difficult time and protect your interests every step of the way. Every family law issue is as unique as the individuals involved, and we are committed to providing each of our clients with legal solutions that are tailored to meet their specific needs.

To learn more about our legal services, contact our Fort Bend divorce lawyer online or give us a call at 281-606-5188

How We Can Help Your Family


We thoroughly evaluate your individual circumstances to recommend a settlement method that is right for you.

Family Law

If you are looking for assistance with family law issues in Texas, she is ready to help you find solutions tailored to your family’s concerns.

Child Custody

Every member of our team understands that the care of your child is your number one priority as a parent.

Child Support

We work with our clients to evaluate the actual financial needs of the children, and then advocate a child support amount that accurately balances the needs of the children with the financial abilities of the parents.

Adoption Law

We remain part of the adoption process from the moment you decide you want to adopt a child until you welcome her or him into your home.

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

We will create a binding legal document that is created between two people before marriage.

Post-Nuptial Agreements

We help you with your documents outlining the same information as a premarital agreement, but is contracted after the couple is wed.

Property Division

No matter the size of your estate, we will guide you through the asset division process in an efficient and informed manner to achieve a property division that meets the client’s future goals and needs.

Hi, I'm Attorney Kara K. Egwuatu

Your Guide to a Brighter Tomorrow

Attorney Kara Egwuatu provides legal counsel in all types of divorce – both contested and uncontested – offering divorce mediation and litigation. Our firm can also assist you in seeking immediate protection in cases of domestic abuse. When your family’s future is on the line, The Law Office of Kara K. Egwuatu, PLLC is the firm you can trust to fight for you with a compassionate and client-focused approach.


    Available 24/7

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    Call 281-606-5188 For a Consultation


    What People Are Saying About Us

    "I can't thank Kara Egwuatu enough for guiding me through the most challenging time of my life. Their expertise in family law, compassionate approach, and constant support made all the difference. With their help, I achieved a fair custody arrangement and a favorable divorce settlement. I highly recommend [Attorney's Name] to anyone seeking a dedicated and skilled family law attorney."

    Faiza Defosset

    "I can't thank Kara Egwuatu enough for guiding me through the most challenging time of my life. Their expertise in family law, compassionate approach, and constant support made all the difference. With their help, I achieved a fair custody arrangement and a favorable divorce settlement. I highly recommend [Attorney's Name] to anyone seeking a dedicated and skilled family law attorney."

    Andy Brisnehan

    "I can't thank Kara Egwuatu enough for guiding me through the most challenging time of my life. Their expertise in family law, compassionate approach, and constant support made all the difference. With their help, I achieved a fair custody arrangement and a favorable divorce settlement. I highly recommend [Attorney's Name] to anyone seeking a dedicated and skilled family law attorney."

    Shawna Leigh


    What Makes KKE Family Attorney Different

    • In Depth Consultations

      We understand that the best decisions are based on facts and we educate our clients to make the best decisions for their family.

    • Reputation and Reviews

      Positive feedback and success stories can indicate a reliable and effective legal team.

    • Track Record of Success

      We have a track record of success for over a decade.

    • Personalized Service

      We consider ourselves partners in our clients’ success and strive to be worthy of the trust you place in us.

    • Approach and Strategy

      We are a results-oriented divorce law firm with an excellent track record of success and an outstanding reputation in the legal community.

    • Empathetic & Compassionate

      We understand how challenging family law matters can be and we approach our clients with that in mind.


    Answers To Your Most Commonly Asked Questions

    The right place where you cand find the answers to your questions regarding family law

    To file for divorce, you typically need to initiate a legal proceeding in the appropriate court in your jurisdiction. This process involves completing and filing divorce papers or a petition, paying filing fees, and serving notice to your spouse. Consulting with an attorney or using online resources specific to your jurisdiction can help guide you through the process.

    Grounds for divorce vary by jurisdiction, and they can be categorized into two main types: fault-based and no-fault. Fault-based grounds may include adultery, cruelty, abandonment, or substance abuse, while no-fault grounds generally involve irreconcilable differences or the breakdown of the marriage. The specific grounds available depend on your location.

    Property division during divorce varies by jurisdiction and can follow either community property or equitable distribution principles. In community property states, marital assets and debts are typically divided equally, while in equitable distribution states, they are divided fairly but not necessarily equally. Factors like the length of the marriage, contributions, and financial circumstances are considered.

    Spousal support, or alimony, is financial support paid by one spouse to the other after divorce or separation. The amount and duration of alimony depend on factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial need and ability to pay, and the standard of living during the marriage. Courts or spouses themselves can determine alimony agreements.

    Child custody and visitation arrangements are typically decided based on the best interests of the child. Factors considered include each parent’s ability to provide a stable environment, the child’s relationship with each parent, the child’s age and preferences (if mature enough), and any history of abuse or neglect. Courts may order joint or sole custody and establish visitation schedules accordingly

    Child support is financial assistance paid by one parent to the other for the benefit of their child. Child support calculations vary by jurisdiction but generally take into account factors such as each parent’s income, the child’s needs (including education and healthcare costs), and the custody arrangement. Many jurisdictions have child support guidelines to determine the appropriate amount.

    In most jurisdictions, you must demonstrate a significant change in circumstances that justifies modifying the existing custody arrangement. Common reasons may include a change in a parent’s living situation, work schedule, or the child’s needs and preferences.

    It’s advisable to consult with an experienced family law attorney in your jurisdiction. They can help you understand the local laws, assess the strength of your case, and guide you through the legal process.
